TWSB – Chapter 217: The nineteen patriarchs (4)

‘Why are you here?’

“Father, what is it? Are you doing okay with your flu?” Christelle urgently added on and glared at the bedroom door. It was locked from the inside and they had the key, so her father should not be able to enter. However, she kept getting the chills.

‘Is this a Holy Knight’s sixth sense that teacher Johann talked about?’

“Yes, I am doing much better. It’s all thanks to you.”

His voice sounded the same as usual. Christelle calmly asked. She pretended to be a good daughter, as if nothing was amiss.

“What about where you got hurt during the terrorist incident?”

“That is almost all healed as well.”

“That’s a relief.”

– Shaaaaa……

Frost shimmered at her fingertips. Isabelle’s hand, which was on Christelle’s shoulder, was shaking. Christelle calmly looked behind her. The window was wide open. They were all wearing clothes and boots instead of pajamas. The curtain tightly wrapped around her mother and wet nurse’s waists. She absolutely could not let these things get caught. Anybody would be able to tell that they were trying to run away.

“How are you? And your mother?”

“I’m fine. Everybody takes good care of me so it’s bearable even if I have to only stay in my room. My mother and wet nurse as well.”

“I see…… That’s a relief. I’m sorry for all of this.”

“It’s okay, father. I understand that you are doing this for us.”


The warm voice quieted down. Christelle let out a sigh. After some time passed in silence… She channeled her ether to see if he had left. Doing this made her senses sharper, allowing her to sense the nearby presences-


Christelle gasped. He was still outside. He was also not alone. She didn’t know who it was, but she could feel a second breath nearby. ‘Is it the Chief of Staff?’

She looked at Isabelle and Ellen and shook her head.

‘He hasn’t left.’ The two women looked scared after reading her lips.

Christelle looked forward again. They still had some time until the start of the plan. They were aiming for the changing of the guards in an hour, so it was enough time. ‘We can do it.’

“Father, I’m sure you are tired so please go get some rest. We plan on putting the lights out and sleeping as well.”

“What time is it? Ah. It’s already so late.”

He seemed to be mumbling to himself. Or maybe he was asking the attendant who came with him.

“I guess I should get some sleep.”

The benign voice continued. Christelle took a deep breath.

“Please sleep well, father.” She said that and……

– Clunk!

The door moved roughly. The three of them flinched and stood even closer together. Her wet nurse put her forehead on her baby miss’s back. Christelle quickly came up with an excuse.

“Oh right, the door is locked from the inside! This is a ladies’ area after all. Hehehe.” Her tone sounded natural as she chuckled. Her acting was perfect as always. It wasn’t too excited nor too stiff. She soon heard her father’s response.

“……I see. There is something I need to ask your mother. Can you open the door for a moment?”

“I think that is going to be a bit difficult, father. We are all dressed extremely casually.”

It was not a lie.

“It’s fine to ask me from there, Simon.” Isabelle tightly held her daughter’s hand as she spoke. She did not shake despite the frost making Christelle’s hands cold.

She was worried because her mother was not good at lying, but thankfully, her voice sounded normal. Christelle smiled and looked at her.

Isabelle’s black eyes affectionately looked back at her daughter. They then heard the Duke’s voice.

“Isabelle, you didn’t finish your chicken chasseur at dinner. You usually enjoy that dish.”

They got the chills for a moment.

“Ah…… It didn’t go down very well because you are sick.”

“You finished the andouillette at lunch though.”

“I think I did.” Isabelle barely managed to answer.

“You also cleared the Ventrèche this morning.”

“Yes I did……”

Christelle clenched her fists.

‘Who the hell do you think you are, checking what my mother ate every meal? Do you take a look at all of her plates or something?’

“Isabelle, you have a habit of being unable to eat meat before you go somewhere out of the norm.”

“Excuse me?”

‘What?’ Christelle’s jaw dropped as she looked at Isabelle.

She must not have known as well, as she was completely pale.

“You must get anxious and have trouble digesting it as you subconsciously avoid it.”

“Is that so? I always ate well until I was full……”

“Because I knew about it and would tell them to make some vegetable dishes.”

All of the hairs on her body stood up. The gloomy voice echoed through the hallway.

“Are you planning on going somewhere today?”

– Baaaaang!

The door roared. Her wet nurse gasped. Christelle’s eyes opened wide. The thick wood around the doorknob was slightly dented. ‘No way.’

“Father. Just now……”

– Baaaaang!

“My goodness!”

A sharp axe sliced through the wooden door. Isabelle screamed as she buried her face in Christelle’s arms.

“What are you doing?!”

“Then will you please open the door?”

“I’d have to be crazy to open it! You have a weapon in your hand!”

– Baaaaang! Bang!

Christelle loudly resisted and the door started to break.

– Crack! The cracked pieces of wood flowed down like noodles. Her whole body was stiff from shock. She knew she shouldn’t feel like this, but she was scared. Her stiff body would not move. When Ga-in was very little, those people who were supposed to be her parents……

“’Ollie the Kid,’ focus.”

A warm whisper wrapped around her at that moment. Ga-in flinched and looked at the person. Isabelle was looking firmly at her despite crying.

“Simon is out of his mind. Let’s save ourselves.”

“Yes, yes mother.” She urgently snapped back to her senses. ‘Yeah, this is not the time to blank out.’

“Wet nurse! Please come over here. It’s okay!”

“Yes, Baby miss!”

Ellen ran over with a wet face. Christelle checked the plan she opened earlier and hurriedly looked out the window. ‘Fuck!’

– Boom! Baaaaang!

“Father must have called the knights.”

“Oh Almighty God.”

Ellen muttered in despair. There were many heads looking up at them from the ground. If it was like this, the whole path to the Imperial Capital would most likely be blocked. Christelle pressed the side of her eyes with her hands and started grinding her teeth.

‘Now what do I do? What kind of strategy do I use to fight?’

It would be extremely easy for her to escape on her own. But she needed to take Isabelle and Ellen with her. She wanted to at least get these two out of that man’s grasp. ‘Everything is over if we stay here!’

– Crack!

– Pii!

She heard a clear chirp of a bird through the dreadful noises. Christelled raised her head. She saw the chimney bird sitting on the window sill. It felt like a dream.


– Piiiiiii!

The ‘Ark of the Wind Deity’ energetically responded! Christelle’s expression instantly lit up.

“Ham Percy! Our little bundle of luck, did his highness send you? Please help me. We need to escape.”

– Pipipi!

The chimney bird opened its beak wide to chirp before pecking at her plan.

Chaos was still happening outside the door. Babang!!

“Mother, wet nurse. Please release the curtains around your waists. You won’t need them because we got this little buddy.”


The two of them moved quickly. Christelle checked where Percy was pointing.

“West? To the sea? Then we get farther from the Imperial Capital-”

– Pipipi!

Her eyes opened wide.

“……Are you saying that we should go to Sérénité?”

– Pipo!

‘Right answer!’ Christelle’s jaw dropped. However, it was too far to go by road and they would be tracked if they took a portal. She should probably do as this smart divine item is telling her to act, but how?

“Baby miss, I know how to handle a sail.”

Christelle looked behind her. Ellen, who had figured out the situation, had a solemn look in her eyes.

“I’m from the sea; the daughter of a sailor. You can trust me.”

“You have a ship, oh outlaw of the west.”

– Baaaaang!

The scared bird chumped. Christelle urgently hid Percy in her arms. All four pairs of eyes turned toward the door at the same time. They could see an arm that was scratched from the sharp pieces of wood.


“My goodness!”

Duke Sarnez was extending his axe through the almost completely destroyed door. The shocked Isabelle closed her mouth. The man, who was wearing a white mask, had visible red veins as he shouted.

“We are husband and wife. Why are you trying to run away?! I thought you accepted everything I do!”

“Oh no, madam. Please don’t look……!”


The wet nurse quickly covered Isabelle’s eyes. Christelle got chills looking at the man. This was not the Simon de Sarnez that she knew. He had already lost his sense of reason because of fear and lunacy. He had gotten caught up in his own sins that he had lost himself……


– Clack!


Christelle screamed in shock.

She thought the door was opening but it was the Duke’s mask falling. His gruesome look almost made her cry. His right side was rough and red, making him look like a ghost, while his good and gentle left half mixed together to create something straight out of a nightmare.

She could not believe it.

“Sarnez has been a family like this for generations. Accept the inheritance that you will need to receive!”

“Get lost!”

“Turning him into a scapegoat is our way to survive. Your father has a responsibility to save the family. Please!”

“Are you talking about his highness? How can you say that after you framed him?!”

Christelle raised her voice while placing Isabelle and Ellen on the window sill. A gentle breeze started blowing under the night sky. The two women tightly held Christelle’s arms and clenched their mouths shut.

“This is the last chance. The last chance for our family to return to when we were clean…… The only way to cleanse us of our sins and be a holy cleansing!”

“What sin?!”

White breath burst out as she bit down on her lips. The Duke mumbled, almost as if he was sobbing.

“The original sin of my great grandmother. Plus the sin of losing the Blessing of the Blue Sea so easily.”

“Why is that a sin?! It’s not like I wanted to absorb it! My mother had no idea it would end up that-”

“Do you think if our name was not Sarnez we would have survived?”


“If we were not Pair de Riester and did not have her Majesty’s affection…if we had not proved our loyalty until now… Then would that incident have been brushed aside so easily?”

Christelle clenched her teeth. She then turned around.

“That is why I said I would volunteer my services to the Imperial family. I said that I would take responsibility for that-”

“This danger is not something that can be handled like that!”

“Then you should have discussed it with us! Or told her Majesty about it!” She shouted before grabbing the ledge and lowering her head. She looked into Percy’s round eyes before she felt choked, thinking about the priest she liked the most.

It suddenly felt so hard. She wondered how things ended up this big. The whole situation felt heavy and burdensome. But still…

‘Christelle, you are such a strong person.’

……She will persist.

‘I am going to become stronger. I am going to become the strongest person on the continent if possible.’

She promised that she would get stronger than she is right now.

‘Ham Ga-in. My traces. It is the most important part of it, so I will only let you know, your highness.’

She now had a friend who could remind her of her traces.

“Christelle de Sarnez!”

“Shut up! I am not your daughter!” Ga-in shouted before glaring at him. She could feel Isabelle’s body starting to float.

The Duke looked anxious for the first time. “What does that m,”

“Why am I your daughter? You completely tricked your so-called beloved wife and daughter you swore to protect, so why would I?! I don’t know what the hell you are doing, but this is a scam of a marriage too!”

“Young miss!”

The Chief of Staff, who was protecting the Duke’s side, shouted to scold her. Ham Ga-in did not back down.

“Who do you think you are to shout at me?! I tricked you as well, so I’ll say we are even until that part. Anyway, I am going to rescue your daughter and your wife from here. And the wet nurse who suffered so much looking after me!”

“Baby miss……”

“My daughter, think about it carefully. You need my protection!” The Duke’s arm was now bleeding.

Christelle refreshingly gave him the middle finger, which was visible through his right eye, visible from his skin being burnt.

– Piruuuuu! The chimney bird chirped as if to sneer at him before shooting up into the air.

“Be protected twice by you and that person would end up in penal servitude!” She grabbed Isabelle and Ellen by their waists as she shouted.

She then jumped off the window sill without any hesitation.


Flash. Cédric instantly sat up.


The dark bedroom of Romero Palace was the same as before he fell asleep.

It wasn’t a nightmare, but he had an eerie feeling. He felt around his chest and pulled out the holy stone necklace. The rope, which had been getting worn because the needlework had been terrible, had turned into the world’s sturdiest accessory after he used preservation magic on it yesterday. However, he didn’t want to use it yet. This was a replacement to use in case the worst happened.

The Imperial Crown Prince slowly placed his forehead on the holy stone that was shining brightly from a flawlessly clear power.

Just when……

– Knock knock.

He raised his head. It was David.

– Click.

The door opened and the middle-aged man noticed that his master was awake and quickly approached the bed. He didn’t seem surprised that Cédric was sitting in the dark. No, to be more accurate, there was something more shocking……

“Your Royal Highness.”

“What is it so late at night?”

The crown prince asked in a low voice.

“Two members of the Imperial Guard returned seriously injured from the south. The rest were all murdered by an attack by Sir Johann Geens……”

David’s gaze, which was visible through the light coming in from the crack of the open door, shook severely.

“Apparently it was ordered by Prince Jesse.”

Translator’s Comments

I’m just imagining Duke Sarnez as the guy from the Shining…

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5 Replies to “TWSB – Chapter 217: The nineteen patriarchs (4)”

  1. Meowmiao?

    It was definitely from The Shining, the author showing their love.

    My my, I wonder why Percy took Chris to Sérénité?

    Is she supposed to catch the evil Archbishop?

    I hope they reunite.

  2. Cale-is-my-idol

    Yah! Damnit…. She should send a letter to the crown prince via Percy at this rate! Ugh… so frustrating

  3. Percy Piiiiiiiii

    I bet Sir Geens let the two people go because he knew they would report back to the capital and that Cedric could put together the puzzle pieces about Prince Jesse having been attacked. If it was Sir Geens on his own, then Cedric might suspect him of treason, but because they are saying the order came from Prince Jesse, Cedric will no doubt realize that Sir Geens would only act to save Prince Jesse’s life. And if Cedric is too dumb, there’s always the Queen and Aurelie.

    Ahhhh Cedric holding the mana stone to his head is such a sad sight. He really worships our Prince Jesse. I’m very proud of Chris! Such a scary scene she was dealing with. I hope they all reunite in Serenite and take out the bad apples!

    Much love translators <3

  4. BeanMartin

    Holy moly! Where can I find a Demy, I need a soft red panda to hug after all of this excitement and suspense. T^T


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