An Unwilling Prince Series

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Series Logo (credit to Min)

unwilling prince cover 2022

Synopsis: An internet celebrity has ended up in the body of an imperial prince in a magical, fantasy world. He soon fakes his death and goes on an adventure across the continent, searching for happiness.

Volume 1: An Unwilling Prince Table of Contents

Synopsis: After faking his death and running away from the life of an imperial prince two years ago, Jonathan has chosen to live as a lumberjack. He must take a break from his idyllic cabin life as new adventures, mysteries, and friends knock on his door.

Volume 2: A Willing Abjurer Table of Contents

Synopsis: Orion is a bounty hunter hired by the king of Malamut to kill someone resurrecting the dead. A favored prince and his knight volunteered to help her with her work—and the king agreed before Orion could argue against it. Together, the three meet a wandering bard and set out to eliminate the undead threat to the kingdom.

Volume 3: Orion The Bounty Hunter Table of Contents

Author: Luxa Ren

Newest Writing Update Here: Spring 2024 Volume 3

Additional Content: Series Art, Map of the Continent, Kofi (Merchandise!), Youtube Playlists

Series Art by mangotosleep/mango_to_sleep on archive of our own:

Map of the known continent:

Merchandise and PDFS available here: The bookmarks and stickers are pay your own price.

Youtube Playlist for An Unwilling Prince (sad): Here

Youtube Playlist for A Willing Abjurer (happy): Here