Trash of the Count’s Family – Side Story 2-2: Our team leader-nim became trash! (2)

However, a desolate-looking person acting like this as if it was normal made it seem quite fitting.

“It would be great if I had some wine with it.”

“Excuse me?”

Jang Sejong blankly asked but Kim Rok Soo commented as if he wasn’t interested at all.

“I should drink.”

“Excuse me?!”

Jang Sejong looked at Kim Rok Soo in shock.

He wasn’t the only one. This was quite a popular tonkatsu shop in front of the company, which meant that there were a lot of people from other departments as well.


They were all looking at Kim Rok Soo in shock as well.

The cold-blooded Kim Rok Soo had taken a week off. Many people were curious about that.

“Y, you’re going to drink right now, team leader-nim?”


Kim Rok Soo sighed so beautifully that it looked like a scene straight out of a painting and brushed his hair back. He had been brushing his hair back like this since coming to work this morning despite his hair being short and not having anything to brush back.


Kim Rok Soo clicked his tongue.

“I want to drink. But I guess I can’t do that at work.”


“I guess this aspect is uncomfortable.”

‘…What is uncomfortable?’

Jang Sejong wanted to ask but could not do so.

Instead, they ran into Team 2 leader, Park Kyung Ho, and Director Ma on their way back to the office.

“Hooooo. How are you feeling, team leader Kim?”

Director Ma.

Although Jang Sejong didn’t know very well as he was a new employee, this person supposedly clashed against team 1 quite often. This person, who was one of the permanent directors, was famous for being more interested in politics than what happened in the company.

“Wow, Team leader Kim resting for a week. How amazing.”

Director Ma smiled slyly but his gaze showed no signs of goodwill.

Director Ma made another comment as Jang Sejong became tense.

“You didn’t even take a break when Team leader Lee passed away. I guess you want to rest while working now?”

Jang Sejong saw Team 2 leader Park Kyung Ho scowl at that moment. Park Kyung Ho was cautiously peeking at Kim Rok Soo at the same time.

Park Kyung Ho knew that talking about Lee Soo Hyuk and his team members was one of the things you should never bring up in front of Kim Rok Soo.

This was the first time Jang Sejong ever saw Park Kyung Ho being so cautious around someone. It didn’t seem like the same Park Kyung Ho who was always grumbling to Kim Rok Soo. He immediately opened his mouth.

“Director Ma! What you said just now seems a bit much-”

“Why is it too much? I simply told the truth. Isn’t that right, team leader Kim?”

It was at that moment.


They heard a scoff.

Jang Sejong looked to his side.

Kim Rok Soo was standing there quite crooked with his arms crossed. He was slowly looking at Director Ma from head to toe.

And then…


He laughed.

It was a scoff similar to before. Anybody would be able to tell that he was sneering. If not sneering, it would make it seem as if he thought nothing of Director Ma.

However, it was only for an instant.


Team leader Kim Rok Soo smiled brightly.

A smile appearing on his cold face seemed awkward but they couldn’t help but look at this extremely radiant smile.

Team leader Kim Rok Soo calmly spoke with the smile on his face.

“Haaaa. Makes me want to quit.”



Jang Sejong and Park Kyung Ho looked at Kim Rok Soo in shock.

“W, what?”

Director Ma subconsciously stuttered.


Kim Rok Soo, the cold-blooded Kim Rok Soo wants to quit?!

Kim Rok Soo, the person who had done the most work in this company and had been the most passionate talking about quitting?!

This was unbelievable.

However, Kim Rok Soo stared at Director Ma with a piercing gaze before mumbling with the smile still on his face.

“Or should I flip everything over?”

Director Ma’s shoulders flinched.

He wanted to say something about how rude this punk was being to him, but he could not do so because Kim Rok Soo was someone who would flip things over if he wanted to do so.

Furthermore, although Kim Rok Soo’s smile was radiant, the elegance was gone and he looked like a neighborhood thug.

Of course, this was all just Jang Sejong’s observation.

Kim Rok Soo walked up to Director Ma and put a hand on his stiff shoulder.

Pat pat. Kim Rok Soo patted his shoulder and gently spoke.

“Director Ma-nim.”

Team 2 leader realized that Kim Rok Soo’s gaze was different from usual.

He could feel more years of experience behind those eyes than the original Kim Rok Soo. It was a weird feeling.

Kim Rok Soo whispered to Director Ma.

“Peacefully. Hmm? Let’s live peacefully.”

He then removed his hand from Director Ma’s shoulder. He pulled out a handkerchief from his inner pocket and wiped his palm.

They wondered why he had a handkerchief, but Kim Rok Soo’s next comment made both Director Ma and Park Kyung Ho slightly tense.

“Director Ma-nim. There is nobody here who knows more about my position in this company than me. What are you going to do if I quit? Hmm?”

Director Ma’s mouth closed shut while Park Kyung Ho’s jaw dropped a bit.

‘For Kim Rok Soo to say such things-’

Kim Rok Soo was similar to Lee Soo Hyuk.

In this company…

There was nobody to lead Team 1 if Kim Rok Soo was to quit right now. Furthermore, there was nobody to be the leader of the Body side either.

This was not an issue of promotion. There was nobody who could compare to Kim Rok Soo both in the field and in the office.

Director Ma?

Kim Rok Soo was worth much more than this old ass snake trying to maintain his position.

However, Kim Rok Soo had never stated this fact out loud before. Park Kyung Ho could tell that Kim Rok Soo had changed a bit.

It wasn’t his appearance or abilities or things like that, but more so his thoughts and values.


Kim Rok Soo chuckled and walked past Director Ma.

“Please enjoy your lunch, Director Ma. You as well, Team leader Park.”

Everything he did looked relaxed. He seemed quite used to things like this.

Quite a lot of people had seen what just happened outside the company. Included in that group were not just company employees, but also numerous people from the guilds and the government.

Everybody was looking at Kim Rok Soo with shock but Kim Rok Soo brushed this kind of attention as normal before leisurely walking into the company.

His walking looked oddly lazy yet elegant.

Jang Sejong could see Assistant Leader Kim Min Ah, who had been on her way back, covering her face with both hands.

What was going on right now?

“Ah, hold on.”

“Excuse me?”

“Someone I know is here so I’m going to chat with them for a bit before going back.”

“…Of course, team leader-nim.”

Kim Rok Soo headed to a side alley by the company. Jang Sejong saw a person wearing a black hat and a leather jacket standing in the alley before turning away.


It was because Kim Min Ah pulled Jang Sejong’s arm.

“Assistant Leader-nim?”

“Haaaa. I guess I have no choice. You should know about it as well.”

“Excuse me?”

Kim Min Ah pulled Jang Sejong to their office before confirming that nobody was around and then finally speaking.

“There’s a bit of an issue with the team leader-nim.”

“Excuse me? What do y…?!”

“His memory-”

Kim Min Ah looked uncertain even though she was the one speaking.

“He said that there are things he doesn’t remember.”

“Excuse me?”

Jang Sejong subconsciously made a comment.

“He was very good with his work despite this so-called memory loss? It seems more like his personality than his memory-”


Kim Min Ah quickly covered Jang Sejong’s mouth.

“Anyway… That is what the team leader told me. So let’s just go along with it for now.”

“…Yes, ma’am. I understand.”

“Newbie, you know this is information we can’t let anybody else find out, right?”

There is an issue with Team 1 leader’s memories.

People finding out about this would lead not just Kim Rok Soo, but Team 1 and even the entire company to danger.

A leader’s weakness could bring forth hostility from their enemies.

“Anyway, I’m telling you because you seem to have many reasons to be with the team leader-nim.”

“Yes, ma’am. I understand. I will keep my mouth shut.”

Kim Min Ah smiled while looking at the solemn look on their smart newbie’s face.

Twenty years old. Jang Sejong, the youngest applicant, had been close to being cut. However, Kim Rok Soo had looked at his resume and selected him at the last minute.

‘His abilities are on the sensory and brain side but he wants to be in the vanguard and not be a supporter?’

Kim Rok Soo then watched Jang Sejong’s interview and test footage before choosing him for Team 1. He said that this applicant showed a lot of potential.

There was a reason that Jang Sejong was going around to a lot of places with the team leader. Of course, Jang Sejong did not seem to know about this at all.

“Anyway, don’t make it obvious you know when the team leader-nim comes back. I’ll tell him that you know about it, but you know how it’ll seem if you make it obvious, don’t you?”


“Okay, so who did the team leader-nim say he was meeting?”

“I don’t know either, Assistant leader-nim. I didn’t see the person’s face.”


Kim Min Ah wondered if Kim Min Ah had anybody to meet with like that but chose to stop thinking about it.

* * *

Kim Rok Soo was in the back alley by the company at that moment. He was meeting someone in a place without much foot traffic.

“I was waiting for you.”

Kim Rok Soo was observing the person with a more relaxed position than he had shown inside the company but an extremely slanted position that showed his years of experience.

“You’re the punk that the god sent, right?”

The man wearing the black hat and black leather jacket slowly nodded his head.

“Yes. The God of Death sent me.”

His dark brown hair appeared under the black hat. He then asked a question.

“You’re Cale Henituse, right?”

Team leader Kim Rok Soo. No, Cale Henituse started to smile.

“Yes. That’s right. Are you the god’s lackey?”


The man who laughed out loud after being called a lackey slightly raised his hat.

The man with dark brown and black eyes was looking at Cale Henituse with an odd gaze.

“A lackey? Yes. I guess it could seem that way. I am working for the God of Death right now after all.”

He approached Cale Henituse, who looked like Kim Rok Soo right now.

“Are you not having any issues adjusting?”

“I’m having quite a lot.”

Cale Henituse grumbled without being able to hide his annoyance.

“Foundational information about friends at work, the work itself, and daily life are all in my head so there’s no issues there, but…”

He then pointed to himself.

“Even if I see this Kim Rok Soo guy working through information, I can’t help but be inconsistent because I haven’t received all of his memories.”

He then shrugged his shoulders.

“Of course, I wouldn’t have been able to complain much even if I came to this world without any information. That wasn’t the important part of my deal with the God of Death.”

Of course, it had been chaotic when Cale Henituse opened his eyes in Kim Rok Soo’s body. However, all of those things were minor issues.

Going back to the first time he met Choi Han to change the fate of the world while he entered into the body of someone named Kim Rok Soo in a different world. Those were the conditions of the deal.

Furthermore, other conditions included finding out the truth about his mother’s death and saving his territory and his family.

Those were the important contents of this deal and it was enough if those conditions were met. Instead, Cale Henituse was waiting for important information. He was certain that the God of Death would give him information.

“Where is she?”

He walked toward the man as he asked.

“Where is my mother?”

In this place…

Somewhere in this world…

Somewhere in this dangerous world where monsters resided…

His mother was alive.

Her reincarnation was here.

“There is a child.”

The man in the black hat responded.

“There was an incident a few years ago where quite a lot of people died because of an attack by an unranked monster. A child lost her parents during that time and was left alone. She was sent to an orphanage and is currently growing up there.”

The now Kim Rok Soo Cale Henituse had basic information about Korean life in his mind. The God of Death had provided that information to Cale Henituse out of consideration for opening his eyes in a new world.

“…And the location?”


The man handed Cale Henituse a piece of paper. Cale immediately opened it. His hands were slightly shaking.

The address of a certain orphanage was written there. Cale’s eyes were scrunching as he read those words.

The man continued to speak.

“The child watched her parents pass away. It caused her quite a lot of shock mentally and she has yet to recover from it. She is suffering from serious trauma.”

The man looked at Cale Henituse as he continued.

“So don’t rush it.”

Cale looked away from the paper and at the man.

Translator’s Comments

A person who works for the God of Death?! And poor Drew reincarnates and still suffers so much…

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29 Replies to “Trash of the Count’s Family – Side Story 2-2: Our team leader-nim became trash! (2)”

  1. Cale worshipper

    Thanks for the chapter!

    Original Cale, now the team 1 leader: Trash mode on.
    The others: Trembling in fear.

    //He could feel more years of experience behind those eyes than the original Kim Rok Soo. It was a weird feeling.//
    Oh that’s right, almost forgot the fact that this Cale had experienced the war and then got transmigrated… I thought the original Cale and Kim Rok Soo will be on similar level but it seems like the original Cale is more experienced according to this🤔

    Will the lackey of the God of Death be Choi Jung Gun? Hopefully little Drew can overcome the trauma and live happily with original Cale 😢

    1. Kim Cale

      It is said in previous chapters that OG Cale lived through the war against Whitey and had experiences on fighting. i think that’s why the two had the common denominator of wanting to live a slacker life

      1. fallein

        May I know when is it mentioned that OG Cale lived throught the war against White radish? I can’t seem to recall the stories TT

  2. Picksot

    Huhuhuhuhu i want to cry. But….not have tears came out…..because I’ve witnessed so many tragic situations…. Aaaaa I guess the person who was talking to the original Cale definitely the original Kim Rok Soo origin or Choi Han or a relative of the god of death or one of the Choi cousins!!!!! Thanks for your chapter ❤️✨👍
    🌱 Hope
    🌿 Trees
    🐦 Bird
    👍 Good day !

  3. Picksot

    :)))) one thing I didn’t expect that I’m Asian and yet I live according to American time according to my night owl habits… hum….I don’t think that when I read a new chapter of TWSB, after scrolling through here, I accidentally became an earlier viewer… Very happy.✨ Again, thanks for your hard work!!!! Aaaa I’m going to watch it with Kleio next to!!
    Send Admin.
    Thank you very much!!!!!

  4. Faniac

    I’m gonna say it!!! I’m gonna say who that guy in the hat is!!! That’s Lee Soo Hyuk!!! Ahhh!! I can’t believe his alive!!! This is so wierd! OMG!!! Now I want to read their side stories together with Choi Jung Soo!!! Please have a side story!!!😆😆🥰

    1. Janaris

      No that doesn’t make sense. LSH is dead in this earth. And this cale in KRS body has seen lsh in his memory but he didn’t call him by name. According to his physique: brown hair. And he said he was working with God of death. It’s more likely to be Choi Jung Gun who is a wanderer

  5. SneakittyCat

    I swear, each new TCF chapter is a treat. A small, highly-addictive and delicious piece of candy.

    //Kim Rok Soo sighed so beautifully that it looked like a scene straight out of a painting and brushed his hair back. He had been brushing his hair back like this since coming to work this morning despite his hair being short and not having anything to brush back.//
    My god, OG!Cale is so fabulous. He’s such a diva, I’m shaking. ( ˊཀˋ )♡.°⑅

    And I love how he’s acting all natural, but is really having a hard time adapting to his new life as KRS.
    “What do you mean I can’t drink at work?! That’s when I am at peak productivity! (ノД`)・゜・。
    Gawd, I’m so annoyed, I’m gonna brush back my flamboyant hair! … Damnit, I don’t have no hair to brush back because the previous owner didn’t give a shit about looks, augh!”

    I can totally see KRS!Cale getting a buzz cut just because he couldn’t bother with daily hair care. Also, stylish clothes? … Do you even know how costly those are?! You could buy a whole corn field for that price!
    Must save. every. penny. (¬‿¬ )✧

    … I just only realized how grateful we can (and should) be to Hans and Ron, for taking care of our young master’s gorgeous looks. Thank you, awesome butlers, for pampering our lazy hottie! (っ˘ω˘ς )

    //“You didn’t even take a break when Team leader Lee passed away. I guess you want to rest while working now?”//
    ………………………. Excuse me, what?

    … Did he really say that? Huh, I guess he really said that.
    … How dare he?

    //Park Kyung Ho knew that talking about Lee Soo Hyuk and his team members was one of the things you should never bring up in front of Kim Rok Soo.//
    Look at that, even someone who has a deep love-hate relationship with KRS still knows how to be a fucking proper human being.
    This man has ONE. friggin’. trigger . button.
    … And you just had to press it.

    Fine! Nuclear warfare it is. (ꐦ°᷄д°᷅)

    //He wanted to say something about how rude this punk was being to him, but he could not do so because Kim Rok Soo was someone who would flip things over if he wanted to do so.//
    Yeah, that’s him alright…
    And I have to say, he was still really, really, reaaaally tame at that point in time. Now that he has a freaking Dragon brigade, you might want to watch your mouth a bit more around him, Director.
    And oh, sorry, did you say something about “being rude”? What was that? I couldn’t hear you clearly over KRS’s silently mourning his family. (-`A´- ꐦ)

    … That being said,now I’m really curious to know *how* our MC!Cale would have reacted to that same situation.
    Hmm, I can see someone being ‘accidentally’ dropped alone in some monster-infested ruin… ┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌

    //Furthermore, although Kim Rok Soo’s smile was radiant, the elegance was gone and he looked like a neighborhood thug.//
    Bwahahaha! I love how he only has ‘noble-mode’ or ‘trash-mode’. There is no in-between, and he can flip the switch any time. (≧◡≦)♡

    //“Peacefully. Hmm? Let’s live peacefully.”

    He then removed his hand from Director Ma’s shoulder. He pulled out a handkerchief from his inner pocket and wiped his palm.//

    Apex predator : 1
    Barking chihuahua: 0

    __φ(..) .:。+゚
    ‘Dear Diary, today in TCF SS2-2, I learnt how to tell someone they are a giant piece of shit without even having to open my mouth. Turns out a handkerchief was all I needed all along. ‘

    //Director Ma?

    Kim Rok Soo was worth much more than this old ass snake trying to maintain his position.

    However, Kim Rok Soo had never stated this fact out loud before. Park Kyung Ho could tell that Kim Rok Soo had changed a bit.//
    That’s because MC!Cale had crippling self-esteem issues and zero self-awareness, while OG!Cale knows *exactly* his own worth and how to use it best. This is just *chef’s kiss*

    //“He was very good with his work despite this so-called memory loss? It seems more like his personality than his memory-”
    Shhhhh, child– There is no trash here, only forgetty people. (๑ˇεˇ๑)•*¨*•.¸♪
    ‘My goodness, I seem to have forgotten my bag of fucks somewhere, what will I ever give the people around me today?’

    //The man with dark brown and black eyes was looking at Cale Henituse with an odd gaze.//
    … Jung Gun, is that you? So suspicious… (° _ °;)

    //Furthermore, other conditions included finding out the truth about his mother’s death and saving his territory and his family.//
    It’s really nice to have a bit more info about OG!Cale’s deal with the GoD!
    … Now elaborate a bit on this, please, Author-nim. What happened? HOW and WHY the heck did half of Drew’s power end up with the White Radish?! (> A <')

    //Somewhere in this dangerous world where monsters resided…
    His mother was alive.
    Her reincarnation was here.//
    Okay, this is really sad. The way he is so desperate to find and protect her…
    As a regressor, OG!Cale saw the whole continent get wrecked by the WS, and lost everything in the war. He came back in time to save his loved ones, but he did that by… leaving them forever.
    ……That's it. The only way he could save his family was to give up everything he had as Cale Henituse (wealth, standing, connections, etc.) and entrust it to Kim Rok Soo.
    His mother is the only family he will be able to keep by his side, and that's only as a reborn soul that won't remember him. His existence as Cale got completely overwritten so that our MC could save the continent.
    That's not okay at all. (╥_╥)

    Many thanks for the chapter!!! (ꈍᴗꈍ)⋆♡*

    1. Robinsleath

      The white star got half of Drew’s power at the village he massacred (the one Choi Han cared about). Drew split up her power one in the village and one in her dairy.

      1. SneakittyCat

        Yes, she did!
        But… How did the White Raddish learn about her power, and why did he choose to absorb it? He only took the strongest APs.
        Did he know that this power had the potential to kill him? If so, how did he know? Did the Hunters tell him?
        And why did Drew split her power (and her soul), knowing that this would kill her? Did she know the WS was after it, and feared he would attack the Henituse to take it?
        There are so many things we don’t know, and Deruth & Zed are obviously trying to prevent their kids from getting involved…
        BUT I NEED ANSWEEEERS—- _(:3」∠)_

  6. WhiteRabbit

    Oh, I’m really hoping Kim Rok Soo and Cale Henituse will work together in Part 2 for a while. Imagine the chaos and shenanigans from those two, all in the name of “peacefulness”. One acting like an elegant hoodlum, the other like a rude pest.

    Also, it’s really really strange how Cale’s family just accepted his personality change as if he finally became mature. There’s quite a lot of differences in how both of them act, and those really can’t only be attributed to “growing up”. Starting to get suspicious whether Deruth and maybe even Violan didn’t get some head’s up from Drew about the twisted time in their son’s “annual ring of life”, and thus might actually have a vague idea about Cale’s circumstances?

    1. SneakittyCat

      Yup yup, I don’t know about Ron, but I think Deruth and Violan are aware of the change; especially with the latest chapters, where it’s shown that the Henituse are just laying low because “there is no need to be recorded in history”, but have a very good grasp on the whole situation (and are on a first-name basis with the King, too).
      The biggest give away for me was Violan’s attitude when she met the bedridden Duke Fredo. Fredo wakes up and calls Cale “my son” as a joke, and Violan, instead of being “excuse me sir, that’s MY son, go get your own (inferior version) somewhere else”, just goes completely pale and silent.
      As if she knew someone else could potentially claim being Cale’s parent.
      That’s suspicious as heck.

      And yes, I really hope we get to see more interaction between the different Cale / KRSs / LSH / CJS! Apparently some Hunters have the ability to cross between worlds (?), so we may be seeing them a lot in part 2!
      … And I really hope that OG!Cale can somehow, someday, have a long and honest conversation with the Henituses. He deserves recognition and closure. T_T

  7. The great and mighty Young master silver light

    Dang new chapter felt like Dr*gs
    I’m carefully reading it so I won’t run out immediately.

    krs old life felt so exhausting I mean he never take a break? And also og Cale really loves his mother

    If you think about it krs and Cale’s life are so similar but if you ask me who has worst, it will probably be Kim rok soo that our now Cale…
    Imagine your not even born then some f*cking reincarnator stole your body then your affected by a curse that you didn’t even deserve(the one that looses your loved one’s)
    – he loses both of his parents when he was little probably 5years old
    -he got picked up by his uncle but that uncle got addicted to gambling and alcohol causing him to get abused and starved
    -he got sent to orphanage but he didn’t manage to make friends cause they either got picked up or move to another orphanage
    -the manager or something of the orphanage and his friend in school are hunters and tried to kill him cause they thought he was a tribulator.and the worst part he thought of them as good people who was nice to him
    -when he finally got release in the orphanage and about to go to college while he do some part time job to make money so he can live a stable life the world turned into apocalypse.
    -he got abused and beaten up in the shelter
    -the people who helped and nice to him in the shelter died
    -he finnaly got friends and people who treated him like family (his team members) but lost them AGAIN and his the only survivor
    -he didn’t even have much rest after his team members died he immediately have to work
    -after all those sh*t his afraid to get close to somebody cause he doesn’t want to experience losing someone again
    I mean that’s just really the worst i felt really sad whenever I remember his past

    1. Dios Mios

      At the same time OG!Cale lost his mother early and started his master plan to take revenge on evil people and starts making Basen next family head.
      We know that his thrashy way of living was just an excuse to dismantle whole underworld in the Henituse territory and by becoming alcoholic worst son ever he cemented Violan children as the inheritors.
      Then White Raddish starts the 20yrs long war where Cale loses everything that he worked so hard to protect – his family and the territory they lived in.
      Then he gets so (un)lucky that he survives it all just to make a deal with GoD that’s basically a sacrifice without any reward.
      He’s now in another world (also ruined like the one he came from), in another guys body (at least he got memories and understands Korean – kinda like KRS knew people from the books and could understand the universal language), find out that his mothers reincarnation is alive but we know that she won’t remember him and their relationship isn’t what he hoped for (at least for now).
      So yeah, both of them had it hard, different types of hard and they actually are quite similar in the age too since KRS transmigrated as like 35~yrs old guy and Cale was like 40~.
      I just hope that in S2 we will get some shenanigans with both of them, especially now that hunters and gods will take major roles, and with them will come dimensional hopping. And who knows? Maybe the new communicator from GoD will allow current Cale to call not only Earth2 but also Earth1 and OG!Cale?

  8. SilverBlueSea

    It’s gonna be quite interesting to see how og Cale handles this. Because he’s basically going to end up as his mother’s foster/adoptive-dad.

  9. Michelle

    I’m sure that the God of death’s lacky is Lee Soo Hyuk! Coz when Cale (krs) met God of death he told him that Lee Soo hyuk had helped him a lot in his work so it’s possible that it was Lee Soo Hyuk that Og Cale henituse met!
    BTW I loved today’s chapter! I can’t wait to learn more about og Cale’s life in Krs body! 💜

  10. High Class Thug

    Man, I still can’t get over how ogCale is older than KRS. My man literally cannot out-hyung anyone (auLSH: I was your hyung in that world so I’m still your hyung in this world. CJS: I was born in the morning so I’m older than you. Alberu: your body is younger than me in our world so I’m the older one CH: *turns out to be KRS’s elder* ogCale: I’m actually 40 years old.)

    It’s so funny how Cale was given memories and information to help him assimilate but KRS just read 5 volumes before GoD was like “yeah he’ll figure out the rest, toss him in” with no other explanation or warning on his part. Hope Cale can be happy in this universe, although I’m very curious how he feels about having to leave his family, wealth, and territory behind to another persons hands. It feels very sad. Makes me wonder if Cale could have done something similar if he was the one put back in time, although I feel that he might not have been as successful as our KRS, seeing as GoD decided to involve someone else instead.

  11. Dragon of the north

    Translator-nim… Don’t you think it should be… Kim Rok Soo in this sentence?

    //Kim Min Ah wondered if Kim Min Ah had anybody to meet with like that but chose to stop thinking about it.//

    //Kim Min Ah wondered if Kim Rok Soo had//

    It’s so nice to get to know the original Cale! 😊❤ So he was a elegant trash thug huh? I like it, I like it alot! 😎❤ Here is something… extremely…dangerous. Imagine Cale and Kim Rok Soo standing next to each other… In full trash thug mode! 😲😨 The White Star bastard would have self-destruct himself! A very deadly combo right there! Imagine the headache of our poor Alberu having to deal with not just one, but TWO, trash thugs! 😨 …I apologise but I want those two together, even if the whole world should get flipped upside down. 😊

    Thanks for the chapter! ❤

  12. Believer of the Silver Light-nim

    Thank you for the chapter 💙

    Me during the chapter: 👁👄👁
    Me after finishing the chapter: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH 🔥

    What the hell?! I’m simping so hard for OgCale!KRS. He and our Cale(OgKRS) are kind similar, but very different at the same time. I wish there were more chapters about his side of the story. I wouldn’t complain if there was 100 chapters about his new life as Kim Rok Soo.
    Also, the person that came to see him. It’s very likely to the person be either Choi Jung Gun or Choi Jung Soo. But I think it’s more probable for him to be Choi Jung Gun. Anyway, I’ll keep reading to find out! 🤩💙

    1. Believer of the Silver Light-nim

      //“Or should I flip everything over?”//

      Specially here, they’re so alike 😂😂

  13. rainbowhearthome

    It’s hilarious learning how serious KRS was, and then once he transmigrated, he went straight to indulging in trashy behaviour much like OG Cale as his long vacation XD So it’s like… if KRS decided to not give a sht back in his original world, he could’ve very well acted similar to OG Cale XD XD XD They sure do have a lot of similarities.

  14. Cale is the lover i ask for but still be ecstatic just knowing he's slacking off

    //Director Ma?

    Kim Rok Soo was worth much more than this old ass snake trying to maintain his position.

    However, Kim Rok Soo had never stated this fact out loud before. Park Kyung Ho could tell that Kim Rok Soo had changed a bit.

    It wasn’t his appearance or abilities or things like that, but more so his thoughts and values. //

    there. Kyung Ho had said it. MC!Cale srsly have self-awareness problems. it’s like, MC!Cale is this amazing but unaware how much he shines kind of person while OG!Cale is this “oh, i know I’m great. let me add fabulous on the list” one. i REAAALLLYY REAAAALLYYY LOVE how they seem like twins. very similar, but still have their own identities. just quite sad abt MC!Cale’s tho. i hope he overcome his i-can-know-everything-but-my-worth personality:<

  15. whaaatson

    I’m worried about record ability. ogCale!KRS shouldn’t have it…
    Even If he saw all the records, which I doubt, he wouldn’t be able to use the ability itself… Concerning…
    But he is probably a better fighter.
    And his ability to adapt is amazing…

    Reading all this makes me think about how depressed our KRS!Cale had been(((


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