The production team of 〈 Tomorrow’s Idol 〉 was abuzz with excitement.
After the nightmare that was the first audition, a fresh idea emerged. They decided to revise the show’s plot, but no one anticipated just how successful the casting process would turn out to be.
The first confirmed cast member was Jin-ah Choi of Blue Sherbet. This wasn’t too surprising, and it was expected to a degree.
As a rookie, she stood to gain significantly by showcasing her skills and appearing on a variety show, especially since it involved writing a drama alongside trainees.
As the first recording day approached, Jin-ah Choi’s reputation skyrocketed. The production team was euphoric. They felt as if they had hit the jackpot.
The reason? Three variety shows.
Her image as a cute, genuine, and unpretentious little sister resonated with the audience. Add to that her undeniable talent, and she was cemented in viewers’ minds as a ‘true talent.’
Her song even peaked at 11th on the charts. Considering that most of the top 10 spots were held by large idols with solid fanbases, this was effectively equivalent to reaching 4th place as a general public pick.
‘Listening to Jin-sil Kim’s advice to secure her early was the best decision.’
The second cast member confirmed was Didi from Calendar Wiz.
In hindsight, it was a bit of a misstep to cast them without fully understanding the scale of the other participants. While undeniably skilled, Didi paled in comparison to the other cast members.
The third cast member needed no introduction. It was Min-seok from Golden Tree. He was a superstar who lacked nothing with his exceptional rapping, dancing, and looks.
As a key member of a group so popular that making it onto the Billboard charts was an annual occurrence, Min-seok was expected to be a significant draw for the show’s viewership.
The fourth cast member was Kid. As a solo artist with a solid fanbase across Asia, Kid was immensely popular. He excelled in singing, dancing, looks, and even had a sterling reputation for his kind character within the industry.
Although he was slightly less known in Western markets, his popularity in Asia and Korea rivaled that of Golden Tree’s Min-seok.
The rest of the cast members were also top-tier idols, which led the production team to believe that even without any special production efforts, the show would naturally achieve high ratings and attention.
The entertainment director provided full support for the program, from promotions to abundant investment. Everything was in place. There was no lack of resources, only abundance.
Producer Park and the writers made sure to give both the amateur and professional judges a strong word of caution.
“We don’t want unnecessary controversies to come from this ideal setup. Ratings will come even without noise marketing. So, please just be honest and straightforward with your judgments. If anything seems problematic, we’ll edit it out. You know my reputation. I’m known for avoiding manipulative edits. So don’t worry, but don’t be too bland in your evaluations either. That’ll cause its own issues. Just keep it honest.”
While it didn’t matter much for the idols (since they were all highly skilled, save one exception), the same couldn’t be said for the trainees. If a trainee’s team received undue praise because of a popular idol’s fanbase, controversies could happen.
As everyone heaved small sighs of relief, Jin-sil Kim spoke up.
“We don’t want to get criticized either. If I’d known it’d be like this, I might’ve thought twice before agreeing.”
“Precisely. We’re so grateful none of you have canceled your appearances,” the producer responded.
“Then we’ll be completely honest, okay? We might let something slip by accident, so make sure to edit it out. Otherwise, we’ll have no choice but to be more guarded next time.”
“Of course! You have nothing to worry about.”
Jin-sil Kim nodded deeply, thinking to himself. If everyone set aside popularity and genuinely judged based on merit, the team with Jin-ah Choi would likely take first place.
After all, the trainees’ skills were all fairly mediocre.
A knock on the waiting room door shattered the awkward atmosphere.
“Ms. Jin-ah Choi, please standby.”
It seemed about time for the idols to take the stage. Jin-ah was up first. We left the waiting room, guided by a staff member.
As we walked down the bustling hallway and turned a corner, a high-pitched voice accompanied by giggles pierced the air.
“She’s doing rock? Seriously? That’s insane.”
“Hey, watch your mouth.”
“It’s just so hilarious. Even with LOAN and Hae-yeol Yoo composing the song, the response has been terrible.”
The staff member guiding us, Jin-ah, and I all froze simultaneously. Everyone present knew exactly who they were talking about.
Neither Hee-yeon’s single nor the music video had been released yet, let alone the interview with Hae-yeol and LOAN. Only the concept trailer, photo teasers, and music video teaser had been released.
From the limited information, all that was known was that Hee-yeon was doing rock this time. With no clear showcase of her singing or skills, the internet’s response was as expected — a split between those sending encouragement and anticipation, and those slinging criticism and hate.
The staff’s face hardened as they glanced at me for a reaction. However, Jin-ah and I simply exchanged looks and stifled small chuckles.
We had already warned the members that Hee-yeon might face some backlash. We had also let them all hear the completed track.
‘Comments like that are just laughable.’
It was as if everyone in our company had collectively time-traveled back and was fully aware of what the future held. Words like those couldn’t possibly shake our confidence. Not that it wasn’t annoying, of course.
We resumed walking, and when the culprits saw us, their eyes widened, and they audibly gulped. It was Didi from Calendar Wiz.
As I passed her and her manager, I casually spoke to Jin-ah.
“That kind of thing will break apart on its own, so don’t bother going all ttukbaegi, okay?”
“Why bother? It’s obvious it’ll turn in on itself soon enough.”
(T/N: They’re using Korean clay pots, ttukbaegi, as metaphors for the rumors crumbling and breaking apart.)
“Still, you never know. If trash is lying around, it’s better to clean it up for the sake of the environment.”
“Ah, but it’s still too dirty, you know?”
As we passed them with cheerful smiles, we heard the two voices from behind.
“What the hell…?”
“Hey! What did you just say?”
The muttering voice belonged to the manager, and the flustered one that followed was Didi’s. She was the wildcard that the production team hadn’t expected to be up against such successful idols, a trap card for the trainees and a guaranteed last-place finisher.
We brushed off her words effortlessly and entered the studio. She simply wasn’t worth engaging with. Public humiliation awaited her soon enough. Why waste our energy here?
Jin-ah strode forward, ready to draw her blade.
The number of surviving trainees was now down to twenty one. The format paired one idol with three trainees, forming seven teams of four.
The evaluation system was simple. The team would perform together, and one person would be eliminated from each group.
Of course, this elimination format was only for the first round. Subsequent rounds would not involve mass eliminations. After all, the broadcast needed to fill its schedule and ensure proper screen time.
“Introducing the first idol to join us! Returning as a solo artist from Blue Sherbet, please welcome Jin-ah Choi!”
It was time to introduce the idols and showcase their skills. The host Joo-sung Kim, who was hurriedly brought on board due to the format changes, introduced Jin-ah with enthusiasm. The twenty-one trainees and judges greeted Jin-ah with a round of applause.
“Jin-ah, go up there and crush the seniors coming after you.”
“Roger that!”
When it came to stages or variety shows, there wasn’t a single worry about Jin-ah anymore. I sent her onto the stage with a relaxed mind.
The order of the performances was based on their debut dates. Though it wasn’t explicitly stated, the sequence clearly adhered to the idols’ debut chronology. Naturally, Jin-ah was the freshest debut among the idols present and went first.
As she walked onto the stage, the judges and trainees clapped and whispered amongst themselves.
“Mr. Park, as a choreographer, is she really that good? From the videos, she didn’t seem so extraordinary.”
It was a question from one of the celebrity judges. Even though the celebrity judges’ scoring influence was limited, it was still prudent for them to gather accurate information.
“I haven’t seen her live either, but even through videos, I could clearly see the difference. I’ve worked with plenty of idols before, and the difference stands out to me.”
“Well, it hasn’t been long since her debut. There can’t be that much of a gap with the trainees.”
“That’s precisely why I brought up the comparison. She’s not a seasoned veteran, and her debut was recent, yet the gap is so obvious. And, well… didn’t their reasoning show their intentions pretty clearly?”
“Do you mean how they chose to perform Jin-ah’s song thinking it’d be a good fit vocally and choreography-wise? Even considering their short time as trainees?”
“Exactly. They thought there wasn’t not much of a gap between themselves and Jin-ah, and that was ridiculous. It’s why I said what I said — to give them a reality check..”
Although Jin-ah didn’t appear in the first round of auditions, she was undoubtedly the protagonist of that stage. Naturally, the expectations for her live performance were high.
People wondered how different her performance could be from the trainees for there to be so much talk about her.
Among the trainees, Hyun-hee Lee from HS Entertainment chewed her lip as she watched Jin-ah. Feelings of inferiority, insecurity, and other emotions tightened her chest.
‘I don’t feel like she was this skilled before.’
Hyun-hee had trained alongside members of Iron Maiden and Blue Sherbet during her time at the same company. It was easy to understand why Yoon-jung Hwang’s dancing or Hee-yeon Lee’s singing were praised. They had always been exceptional.
They had also been personally brought up by Manager Kang, who was on a hot streak at the time. Hyun-hee remembered looking at them with envy as they left with Manager Kang while waiting indefinitely due to the boy group’s debut.
The ones she couldn’t understand were Yumi Cho and Jin-ah Choi. Unlike the others, her feelings toward them leaned more toward jealousy than admiration.
‘I was better than both of them back then.’
She had no qualms about the main vocalist and dancer roles going to Hee-yeon and Yoon-jung. However, with Yumi and Jin-ah, she had always believed herself to be more talented.
At least, back then. Seeing Jin-ah now, Hyun-hee realized how wrong she had been. Manager Kang’s decisions were, without fail, spot on.
‘I was so shocked…’
Hyun-hee had replayed Jin-ah’s performance videos dozens of times. She didn’t need anyone to point it out. She could see the vast difference in talent between them.
Yet, despite acknowledging the talent gap, she had convinced herself it wasn’t that big. Even after hearing the judges’ glowing evaluations, she clung to this belief. Her dancing hadn’t faltered, and her vocals were stable.
‘The evaluations from the first round of auditions were a bit overkill. Sure, she’s talented, but it’s not like her skills are that much better than mine. I performed decently enough.’
With this mindset, Hyun-hee focused intently on the stage. She needed to know what she missed. What set Jin-ah so far apart?
‘Maybe she’s good but also overhyped…’
On stage, Jin-ah struck a familiar pose. Unlike her usual performances, she was alone. No backup dancers, just her. Everyone fell silent, their eyes glued to the stage.
The music started, and Jin-ah began singing and dancing exactly as she always did. Mechanically precise yet brimming with emotion no machine could ever replicate.
Hyun-hee couldn’t deny it, no matter how much she tried to rationalize or justify her thoughts. She felt it. An overwhelming pull, an atmosphere that commanded attention.
The stark difference between herself and Jin-ah was undeniable.
“Hello! I’m Jin-ah Choi from Blue Sherbet!”
After Jin-ah’s performance ended, she greeted the audience. However, the crowd seemed too stunned to react properly.
“Wow… I got goosebumps. Look at this chicken skin.”
“She’s really a monster talent, huh.”
“I told you! She’s no joke. Even back at our set, everyone was going wild!”
The applause was subdued, as if the shock left the audience drained of energy. The only one shouting enthusiastically was Jin-sil Kim, who had already experienced Jin-ah’s stage presence up close.
“Oh, come on, sunbae. You’re overreacting.”
“Jin-ah, you say that but I can see that big grin on your face.”
“Cat got your tongue?”
“This program is supposed to be serious, right? I need to look like a dignified senior idol.”
A few chuckles broke out here and there. As the mood lightened, people finally began enthusiastically expressing their admiration.
While the idol performances with the trainees weren’t meant to be judged, like trainee stages, everyone was still eager to share their impressions.
The line between feedback and appreciation was a unclear, making this situation feel a bit awkward. Shin Park let out a bewildered laugh.
“You guys really don’t realize how difficult that choreography is. Sure, it looks hard just from watching, right? But trust me, it’s way harder than it looks. There’s a world of difference between barely keeping up without mistakes and actually mastering it. Now, take a good look at Jin-ah’s expression. Everything about her performance was flawless and exceptional, but it’s not just that. It’s nothing like what we saw during the first round.”
“Now that you mention it!”
“You’re right. The trainees looked like they were on the verge of collapse.”
Though Jin-ah was sweating and her breath was heavy, her physical state couldn’t even be compared to how the trainees had appeared during the first round. The trainees had performed far less demanding routines, yet looked like they might have collapsed at any moment.
“This isn’t just a matter of stamina. It shows how effortlessly she can execute the choreography. That’s why her singing remains so stable, too.”
Sung-han Lee, one of the professional judges, joined in with high praise.
“Honestly, watching her is mesmerizing. Her vocals are just… wow. Seeing Jin-ah’s performance live really hits different.”
“Thank you so much!” Jin-ah bowed deeply in gratitude.
“Hey, no need to bow like that. It makes me look like I’m judging you.”
“Isn’t this a judgment?”
“No! It’s just feedback!”
“Feedback after watching? Sounds like judgment to me.”
“No, that’s not what I mean!”
Sung-han Lee looked flustered as he tried to clarify, while the other participants chuckled. As Jin-ah had recently been featured on three popular variety shows, no one was unfamiliar with her witty personality.
The production team smiled in satisfaction at how well the interactions were going, and the atmosphere became cheerful. Yet, the trainees couldn’t bring themselves to join in. How could they, after experiencing such a performance up close?
“That kind of talent… it’s just too much.”
“Why did we even choose that song? Ugh…”
“Even if she’s a rookie, you can’t compare us to her. She’s charting right now!”
“Exactly. She’s beating even established artists. It’s honestly frustrating.”
The trainees’ murmured complaints were tinged with frustration. Hyun-hee Lee, however, couldn’t even muster a sigh.
While the others consoled themselves by attributing it all to talent, Hyun-hee knew that talent was everything in this industry. Still, she knew there was more to it than just innate ability.
Back when they were trainees, Jin-ah hadn’t stood out nearly as much as Hee-yeon or Yoon-jung.
‘She… found her own unique color.’
The sheer amount of effort she must have put in was undeniable. Though her natural talent shone brightest during this performance, Hyun-hee could imagine how much hard work had gone into it behind the scenes.
‘Do I… have a unique color too?’
Did she have a perfectly tailored style waiting to be discovered, one even HS Entertainment hadn’t found yet?
Hyun-hee’s gaze shifted to Hyuk Kang, who stood with his arms crossed among the production crew.
Love seeing her succeed ✨
Thank you for the chapter!