Trash of the Count’s Family Part 2 Chapter 212: Young Master Silver Shield, return of the legend (9)

Alberu shook his head after hearing the swearing Cale.

“That is why I told you to just quietly come down.”

“I thought you told me to explain a bit before coming down, your highness!”

The exchange of gazes between Alberu and Cale in the Academy’s plaza… The two of them were unable to communicate properly.

That led to Cale misunderstanding Alberu’s intentions and sharing a few things while on the platform. As a result, Cale was currently raising his voice toward Alberu.

Alberu looked at Cale in disbelief.

“…Are you raising your voice at me right now?”

Cale clenched his mouth shut. The crown prince clicked his tongue in response.

“Why the hell did you tell them you are saving the world?”

‘Then what else would I say?’

Cale wanted to say that but Alberu just kept talking.

“You should have said something like this is related to Arm. You could have kept it at that. It is not a lie to say that things ended up like this because of Arm. Then people would have been less anxious and not paid much attention to you.”


Cale wanted to say something but there was nothing he could say.

‘It is true that this happened because of Arm.’

The enemies behind Arm were the Hunters.

After figuring out who was behind Arm, those people messed with the Royal Palace and multiple incidents overlapped together until this point. So what Alberu was saying was true.

Furthermore, had Cale said things as Alberu just mentioned, people would have brushed it aside.

Facing the same enemy over and over would feel familiar compared to facing a new enemy.

That was the case even if the danger level was much higher.

“Even if you can’t lie to them, you could have kept some things hidden. Why the hell did you make things even bigger?”



The crown prince’s video communication device was continuously going off.

His aides were already filtering through as many calls as possible, but there were places throughout the Eastern and Western continents continuously requesting calls.

Alberu’s expression became sharper.

Cale slowly looked away from Alberu.


Honestly speaking, the cheering toward Cale grew more intense because of this, but…

Alberu was the one who had to take care of the aftermath.

Cale was a part of the Roan Kingdom and Alberu was currently the representative of the Roan Kingdom.

“This is driving me nuts.”

Alberu sighed and brushed his face with both hands.

“I plan on gathering the representatives of the different kingdoms and sharing a bit of truth about the situation in the near future.”


“I am saying that there will be a Grand Assembly. You know what that means, right? Well?”

Alberu smiled as he asked. Cale quickly answered.

“Yes sir.”

It wasn’t ‘yes, your highness,’ but a ‘yes sir.’

Alberu’s elegant smile became even bigger and both of them laughed.



Crunch crunch. Raon, who was eating cookies, looked away from both of them.

“Both of you are being weird!”

The two of them felt a strange sense of futility at the seven year old Dragon’s comment and stopped laughing.

Instead, Alberu rubbed his tired eyes as he nonchalantly asked.

“Putting the situation of the kingdom aside…”

Of course, the situation of the kingdom was quite intense right now.

However, it did not mean that things were full of chaos.

In fact, people were scared but also full of courage.

Alberu considered this to be quite the relief. However, he also thought about how the time that had passed did not simply flow by.

‘We defeated them once.’

The Roan Kingdom.

It was a kingdom that just existed despite having a long history.

External nations thought of it that way but the citizens of the kingdom also implicitly thought so about their home.

However, the results of these past few years made people learn how to be scared but not cower and continue to push forward.

Alberu wondered if the greatest thing the kingdom gained from the war of the past few years was confidence among its citizens and their trust for their kingdom and their home.

That would be a strength for the Roan Kingdom in the future.

That was what he believed.

Honestly speaking, Alberu believed in those citizens as well. That was why he was increasing the size of the kingdom without any hesitation.

‘Maybe this situation is actually better.’

Alberu had been considerate of Cale and the others being absent as he proceeded with things.

Alberu did not desire power gained through suppression, but he had to worry about foreign nations figuring out this gap in the Roan Kingdom’s strength.

That was why he had, whether subconsciously or not, been a bit cautious.

‘If anybody tries to squash or go against the Roan Kingdom in this current situation, people will curse them out.’

Based on the current mood, the image has been created that the Roan Kingdom has been working behind the scenes to protect this world even after going through that major war with the White Star.

‘It’s the truth.’

Of course, this was the truth.

‘Cale Henituse and his people are the ones doing most of the suffering though.’

There wasn’t much that the Roan Kingdom was doing.

However, Alberu was planning on gaining the things he could gain from this sort of vibe.

There were times that image and appearance granted more strength than power.


Alberu flinched.

He was debating how to benefit from this situation when he noticed Cale looking at him with a bright smile on his face.

Cale’s gaze seemed to be saying that he knew exactly what Alberu was thinking about.

“Don’t look at me like that.”

“How am I looking at you, your highness? I’m pretty sure I am looking at you with an extremely respectful gaze right now.”


‘Why do I even bother?’

Alberu gave up on this useless conversation with Cale and nonchalantly asked.

“What happened to the wanderer?”

Cale’s expression stiffened up.

“Your highness, we have yet to figure out the identity of the wanderer who attacked us.”

Choi Jung Soo and Sui Khan said that they could not see the face of the enemy when they approached him.

‘He was wearing a mask.’

Apparently the enemy was wearing an animal mask under his robe.

‘It was a cow.’

The mask was in the shape of a cow.

“The God of Death said that he will investigate the list of wanderers to confirm whether the Five Colors Bloods are a group of wanderers.”

Cale thought about the messages he exchanged with the God of Death.

< To be honest with you, I had not figured it out at all. >

< Wanderers are existences who have experienced death once already, so I am unable to locate them right away. >

That was a reason it was taking some time to investigate the list.

< But if all of this is true, it'll create quite the ripple in the entire divine World. >

It might even bring chaos to the Divine World.

Why? Because wanderers were single-lifers; tribulators who had the qualifications to become gods but rejected it and were wandering like mercenaries.

< So I am only keeping this information to myself and a few trustworthy gods. I'll share information with you as I get them. >

Cale had never seen the God of Death being so serious.

< So please take Cage with you to Aipotu. >

The excommunicated priestess Cage.

Cale had to take her to Aipotu this time.

< As you already know, Aipotu is where we last heard from Choi Jung Gun. After that, we have had no contact with that world. >

< The divine item should work in that work, but take Cage with you just in case. >

The God of Death was even thinking about the potential of the divine item not working.

That was why he was telling Cale to take Cage, who had the talents to become a Holy Maiden but refused to become one.

“Mm. I guess this is not a situation you can answer immediately.”

Alberu listened before quietly sighing and asking in a voice that sounded as if this was quite the headache.

“So will you leave immediately after returning to the Henituse territory?”

“Yes, your highness.”

Cale ended up staying at the capital longer than expected because of the Academy’s terror incident.

However, it was time to leave now that things had settled down a bit.

“And the limit? Did you say it was fifty people?”

“No, your highness.”

The God of Death had agreed to Cale’s request.

Of course, one hundred was too much.

He asked Cale to make sure to leave one spot alone.

Because of that-

“99 people.”

When Cale asked why 100 was not possible…

The God of Death said something odd.

< You need to keep one spot empty for someone who might advent in that world. >


That word felt so leery that Cale asked about it in quite the sharp tone, but…

< This is something I cannot answer. >

The God of Death did not answer the question. No, he could not answer the question.

‘This feels so iffy.

…Is a god adventing down into that world?’

Cale started frowning as he thought about that moment.

However, he did not think too deeply about it.

‘It shouldn’t be an enemy.’

The existence that the God of Death might call down should, at minimum, be an ally.

Cale heard Alberu’s voice.

“I’m not going to see you off.”

Cale chuckled and responded.

“Yes, your highness. I’m sure you will be busy gaming. Please give it your best.”


Alberu simply smiled elegantly.

“Oh! It looks like our human beat the crown prince this time!”

The two people were ignoring the seven year old Dragon’s comments at this point.

* * *

“It’s been so long, our Bishop-nim.”

“Yes, yes sir.”

The Bishop in charge of the God of Death’s Church in the Roan Kingdom. He was sweating bullets while looking at Cale.

He did not dare to look around.

“It must have been hard coming all the way here, Bishop-nim.”

Cale asked in a warm voice and the Bishop urgently answered.

“Not at all, sir. It was not hard at all.”

“Haha. That’s a relief.”

Cale pointed behind him.

“We could not go to the Temple of the God of Death this time because our party is so large. Haha!”

“Yes, yes sir. Of course I should be the one to come here.”

The Bishop gulped after seeing the large black castle and the enormous Bone Dragon coiled around its roof behind Cale.

He thought about how he came to this place alone and urgently commented.

“What I have seen today…I will… Make sure to keep it a secret.”


Cale tilted his head to the side. He was smiling.

“Bishop-nim, why are you saying something so obvious so seriously?”

The bishop gulped.

He thought that he would end up pummeled to death by that smiling face if he was to talk about this to anyone.

‘Fuck! I should have just stayed quiet!’

He wanted to play a part in Cale’s journey to the next world because Cale’s name value had risen even higher.

However, Cale said that he could take care of things this time. The Bishop then responded that he must participate because the God of Death’s power was being used.


He saw excommunicated priestess Cage next to Cale but turned his gaze.

Cale also avoided the Bishop’s gaze with an unsettled look on his face.

The Bishop sighed.

‘I saw something too grand-’

Once someone reached the level of Bishop, they could, to some degree, feel the force of an object or an individual.

‘The auras of this black castle and the individuals within it-

Are truly like Mount Tai.’


“Yes sir?”

“Please watch carefully and inform his highness about the situation.”

“Yes, yes sir.”

His role, to be completely honest, was a messenger for Alberu.

Now that more people knew about the situation, a Bishop who has been cooperating with them since earlier was more trustworthy than others.


Cale finished his conversation with the Bishop and turned toward the voice calling his name.

“I’ll be back soon, mother.”


Duchess Violan was here as the representative of the family.

Of course, she was surrounded by some of the Tiger Warriors who were going to stay behind.

“Please be careful.”

“Yes, mother.”

Duchess Violan hesitated for a bit before extending her hand toward Cale. Cale hesitated before grabbing her hand.

Pat pat. The Duchess used her other hand to pat Cale’s hand.

“Don’t overdo it. The most important thing is your health and life. Do you understand?”

“Yes, mother.”

Cale answered without any complaints.

It felt really awkward, but it could not be helped.


Duchess Violan smiled.

“I know that you will jump into dangerous situations or end up in situations where you might get hurt even with me saying this.”

‘I have no plans to do so?’

Cale wanted to say that but his track record until now gave him no confidence to say that he had no desire to do so.

While Cale was hesitating…


He flinched.

Duchess Violan’s eyes lit up for a moment.

The vicious gaze made Cale subconsciously pull his hand back.

The Duchess acted as if nothing happened and smiled at Cale.

“If you feel like it is an extremely dangerous situation, run.”


“And hide in the castle.”

‘…The Black Castle?’

Cale peeked at the Black Castle that did not look very different despite his parents saying that they were going to do some construction.

It had a vintage charm but it still looked old. He didn’t even see any magic circles on the castle walls.

That was why Cale had not asked his parents or Lord Sheritt about it.

The Black Castle was just an extra addition, not the main force.

Duchess Violan handed Cale the blueprints as she explained.

“Then the Black Castle will be able to destroy most things that attack it.”

The Bishop’s pupils started shaking at this vicious conversation.

Cale smiled at that moment.

“I will make sure to look through the blueprints.”

His satisfied expression made Duchess Violan not hide her pride. A small smile appeared on her cold face.

“Okay. We dumped a ton of money into it, so it should be worth its cost.”


Cale gasped in admiration and Duchess Violan turned around without any hesitation as she said goodbye.

“Okay, have a nice trip.”

“Yes, mother. I’ll be back soon.”

The Bishop wondered if this lighthearted conversation really was between a son who was heading to a dangerous place to save the world and his mother who was seeing him off.

However, nobody was paying any attention to the Bishop.

“Let’s go.”

Cale tapped on the divine mirror as he said that.

The Forest of Darkness became silent at that moment.

People, different from his usual people, walked up to him at that moment.

“I’m ready.”


Eruhaben, with golden dust all around him, was to Cale’s right.

“I’m all prepared as well.”

Lord Sheritt, with her overflowing white hair, looked fully prepared to cast her shield at any moment as she stood on Cale’s left.

Cale stood at the entrance of the Black Castle and looked behind him.

Choi Han and Raon were waiting at the castle wall.

Mary was at the window closest to the sky. The Bone Dragon, the Dragon half-blood, was on the roof.


Cale found it odd that the Dragon half-blood lowered his head as if to avoid his gaze, but he did not pay much attention to it.

Instead, he held back a sigh while looking at Ron, who was standing next to Mary.

‘We ended up not being able to chat.’

It was so hectic after the Academy’s terror incident that he had not been able to chat with Ron and Beacrox.

‘I’ll do it at Aipotu even if I have to make some time to do it.’

He couldn’t just keep pushing it back.

Kim Rok Soo and Cale Henituse.

He needed to tell them about that.

Oooooo– oooooo–

There was an odd cry and black threads started spreading out from under Cale’s feet.

The black light created a large design.

This seemed much different from their transportations until now.

Once the circle surrounding Cale and the Black Castle was completed…


The rumbling stopped.

Cale figured out why the Forest of Darkness was so quiet right now.

This eccentric power of a God made the monsters, who only had their instincts, lay low.

< Moving now. >

Cale saw the black light cover him and the Black Castle the moment he saw the message.

His eyes automatically shut.

He heard the God of Death’s voice.

– I don’t know how Aipotu will be.

It was a world where they could not expect anything.

A world ruled by Dragons.

– I am transporting you to the last place I received contact from Choi Jung Gun. That place should be more stable than other areas, which is most likely why Choi Jung Gun contacted me from there.

Choi Jung Gun, the first Dragon Slayer and Choi Han’s ancestor.

They needed to find this missing person at Aipotu as well.


Cale felt a familiar sensation and immediately opened his eyes.


This mysterious world might be full of danger from the moment they get there.

That was the reason Cale had Lord Sheritt and Eruhaben by his side.

‘It’s been a while.’

His body was completely tense for the first time in a long while.

He felt like he was back to being young Kim Rok Soo who had to survive on Earth when everything had completely changed.

It was only fitting for him to be in such a state.


Cale needed to protect as he fought in that world.

The darkness brightened up.

‘We are in Aipotu.’

The moment he felt that, he saw the world ruled by Dragons.


Cale flinched.

He subconsciously curled up.

‘…It’s so-

It’s so cold?’

Everything was white.

He could feel the strong cold gusts of wind and the snow falling around him.

‘This is so different from what I expected?’

He was seeing something slightly different from what he expected.

It was at that moment.


Eruhaben let out a sigh.

“…We can’t use mana here.”

‘Excuse me? What do you mean?’

Cale wanted to say that but he felt an unfamiliar presence.

He turned his head.

An old man tightly wrapped in fur clothes was approaching them.

A couple people were behind him as well.

The old man opened his mouth as soon as he saw Cale.



What? …Archduke……?’

Cale became anxious.

“No, there’s no way. No, that, that-”

The old man seemed more flustered than Cale. That made Cale anxious as well.

The old man slowly spoke, looking as if he was going to cry.

“…Has the descendant of the Archduke come to save the territory?”

‘Archduke? Descendant? Territory?’

With the snow and wind blasting around him, Cale subconsciously said a word that he read quite frequently as an avid reader of all genres.

“… The Archduke of the North?”

The old man reacted to those words.

“As I expected, sir, you really are! Ah, the revelation I received in my dreams was not a lie!”

The intense reaction made Cale blankly stand there without being able to say anything.

– Human, are you cold? Sniff sniff, I’m cold!

Cale quietly let the cold wind hit him for a bit as he listened to the sniffling of the seven year old Dragon.

At least until Ron got him a fur coat.


This place felt as if it really would be no joke.

Translator’s Comments

Archduke of the North? Please don’t tell me we are in for some romance genre!

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27 Replies to “Trash of the Count’s Family Part 2 Chapter 212: Young Master Silver Shield, return of the legend (9)”

  1. Mmmmm

    LMAO romance genre xD
    Probably an enemies to lovers between Cale and everything that goes between his peaceful retirement hahaha

  2. Winter-snow

    Wow it’s look like our Cale new identity is going to be the Archduke of the North 😁😁
    And I also agree with the translator comments of, Please don’t tell me we are in for some romance genre!

  3. Atlexisa

    No magic huh. Interesting. Because the dragons broke the world?

    Romancing? The scariest saga yet? Maybe. He does lack fan girls, true.

    Does seem more of a political setting maybe.

    This will be fun. Chaos!

  4. nanajyuusan

    Archduke of the North lmaoooooo isekai manhwa readers magnet 😂😂😂 is it because of his red hair?? were the Thames or perhaps Red Bloods used to be the archduke lineage in Aipotu?? i have so many questions, very confused yet excited! imagine bringing all the dragons you have only to find that mana doesn’t work in that world 😭😭
    i’m guessing Rasheel and Ron will be able to use their magic eventually because of their attributes. i’m so pumped for this arc thank you sm for the chapter!!

  5. AiriMage

    Damn, went from High Fantasy, to Wuxia, to a Rofan now. I’m *really* interested in this world in particular. I can’t wait for the 5 seconds of romance that appears to be shut down instantly while Cale instead decides to (hopefully) adopt more children instead.

  6. Sky

    Lmao!!! Not the romance genre, the chaos it will cause 🤣🤣🤣.. but maybe the love interest would probably be his Slacker life that is nowhere to be find..

    And…what will happen now that they can’t use Mana.. ohh so thrilling sooo fun..more suffering for Cale 😂😂😂

  7. Phr31

    Omg are we in the Isekai romance world?? Ahahahahahaha yk the cliche one 😂 doesn’t necessarily have to be romance just the usual fantasy royalty novel lol

  8. Allixandra

    hmmm.. as for me i think this may be a world where the Thames Hunter Family once ruled or something? maybe they noticed cale’s red hair that is a unique characteristic of the Thames Household and he said descendant..

    anywayss that would be all for my theory this time! XD

  9. Allixandra

    And alsooo.. the most possible setting as rofan isekai was not expected!!! Aside from that, Eruhaben-nim should be fine without mana… I remembered him saying (in part 1) that he became a swordmaster in his spare time and mastered all sorts of weapons. I feel bad if all the castle defense mechanism only works with mana as fuel, the time and effort of the parentsss…T-T. Lastly, i wonder how the dragons rule this world without mana, are they like rasheel? Or are both the dragons and elves, now working as one of the purple bloods, originally manipulated to do their (Purple Bloods’) bidding and the only traitor in the dragon’s side is the current dragon lord. Even I think Im thinking crazy ..

    1. Glesh

      Omggg I’m so gonna marinate the next chaptersss, i have waited for a year for me to come this far, i can at least wait for half a year this time xD

  10. whaaatson

    ~~Got so many thoughts today~~

    Cale-Alberu conversation was nice🥰
    And yeah, saying he’s saving the world was Cale’s mistake. (They’re turning it for the better, but still)
    Guess Cale was nervous.
    Because of the speech or because of the warning..?

    Muahahaha, I like that the Bishop is scared, he should be!

    I see that many people had the idea of Thames being connected to the archduke misunderstanding. And that’s quite interesting🤔 I haven’t thought of that…

    Eruhaben said that they can’t use mana. Doesn’t mean there’s none. I’m sure it’s under Purple blood’s control.

    And lastly, there’re so many little details like the cow mask, Cale’s determination to chat with Ron (again 🤣) and the advent…

    P.S. But I honestly forgot why Aipotu🥲. What’s the main reason? Was it a deal with GoD to find CJG?
    I mean, we got a little more information about Purple bloods than transparent and 5 colours…
    And there’s also Future Dragon’s request…
    But when was it decided that Aipotu is next?

  11. Atlexisa

    Adventing the Wolf God? That might be why Hope mentioned that Raon and our Wolfboy are essential. Maybe the wolves can regain their deity again.

  12. Anacin

    I still wonder how similar this World will be to roam… a Black dragon with past attribute…couldnt that be dodam?

  13. czs

    The thought of Kim Rok Soo, with his stoic face reading romance novels is hilarious to me
    Too bad Cale doesn’t seem to read much these days, it seems like he loves it (I mean, not like he has the time, but sill…)


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